► Regional Institute of Education, Mysore, WALK-IN-INTERVIEW
Physical Chemistry
Regional Institute of Education, Mysore, WALK-IN-INTERVIEW
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No.F. 8 -1 /Estt / RIEM/20 11/
A walk-in-interview will be held for the following vacant posts in the Regional Institute of Education on the dates mentioned against the posts on purely on contract basis for the academic session 20 14 - 2015 or till regular appointments are made whichever is earlier
Post Subject Specialisation and Time ofInterview
1 Assistant Professor In One each In Liquid crystals, Statistical Physics, Physics Quantum Mechanics 16 .06. 2014 10 :00 a.m.
2 Assistant Professor in One each Physical Chemistry / Inorganic / Physical or Inorganic Chemistry 16 .06.201412 :00 Noon
3 Assistant Professor in Master's Degree in concerned subject Mathematics 17 .06.2014 10 :00 a.m.
4 Assistant Professor in Desirable: M.Tech in GIS Geography 17 .06.2014 12:00 Noon
Essential Qualification
Good academic record with . at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 points scale with later Grades O,A,B,C, D, E a n d F at the master's degree level, in the relevant subject from an Indian University or an equ iva lent degree from a Foreign University. Besides, fulfilling the above qualifications, candidates should have cleared the National Eligibility Te st (NET) in the relevant subject for lecturers conducted by the UGC/CSIR or any other agency accredited by UGC. Exemption, if any , to be provided will be strictly a s per guidelines issued by MHRD, GOI and UGC to persons who have obtained a Ph.D degree in accordance with the standards as prescribed by the UGC under University Grants Commission (Minimum standards and procedures for award of M.Phil / Ph.D degree) Regulations, 2 0 09 (hereinafter referred to as "M.Phil / Ph.D Regulation of 2009")
Interested eligible candidates may attend the interview with their Curriculum Vitae along with attested copies of testimonials a n d with originals for scrutiny One hour before at the venue. No TA will be paid for a tten ding the interview. Decision of the committee is final. No. of Posts mentioned may vary depending on the need.
For more information http://www.riemysore.ac.in/ images/latest-News/assistant. pdf
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