► National Institute for Materials Science Japan MANA Permanent Researcher Vacancy
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MANA Permanent Researcher
Field or Position : MANA Permanent Researcher (Permanent )
Number of People : One
Job Summary : Synthesis and characterization of inorganic nanoscale materials
Qualification : The applicants should have a Ph.D. degree or expect to have a Ph.D. degree by the start of employment.
Arrival Time : After March, 2012.
Term : Age retirement system. The applicants may be accepted as five-year or less fixed term employees if the reviewers judge that final decision should be made after watching the performance of the applicants on the job.)
Work Place : National Institute for Materials Science
Work Hours : It depends on the working style such as Flextime system, Discretionary labor system and so on.
Holiday : Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays.
1.Salary / Supply : Even under such Terminable Employment Staff, conditions are adapted as a general rule for the Permanent Employee.
2.Covered under the national public service personal mutual aid system
3.You can get an exemption from pay back of scholarship loan by JASSO (only for those who got it by March 31, 2004).
How to Apply :
1.Application Documents
1.Application Documents
Please use the provided format, which can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. The application documents should be prepared in English. After filling-in and signing by yourself, make them to PDF files and send them by email.(nims-recruit[AT]nims.go.jp) NIMS will use the information in your application documents only for the review.
(1) Application form
Please use the provided format, which can be downloaded from the bottom of this page.
(2) Research accomplishments
Your originality in your research accomplishments should be described clearly within the limit of the length :1 page (A4 size).
(3) Future objectives
Research plans and future grand visions should be included within the limit of the length :1 page (A4 size).
(4) List of publications
Clearly categorize as original papers, proceedings, reviews, oral presentations, patents, books, etc.
(5) Reprints
PDF files of no more than 3 papers
2.Letters of recommendation
Please prepare recommendation letters from two persons.
When you pass the screening of the application documents, NIMS will ask you to submit the letters of recommendation before interview.
Please use the provided format, which can be downloaded from the bottom of this page.
The recommendation letter should be sealed up the in an envelope.
Please note that NIMS may contact the referee directly.
Delivey Address : Submit to inquiries by E-mail only.
Deadline : Deadline :November 30, 2011
How to Judge : Document examination and Interview
Contact to :Human Resources Development Office
For more information, please contact. Human Resources Development Office, NIMS
E-Mail :nims-recruit=nims.go.jp(Please change "=" to "@")
Application Form - doc:35.0KB
Recommendation Letter Form - doc:38.5KB
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